Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Foodie Pen Pals

I know I've blogged about Pinterest which I must confess is still a major interest. I have pinned more projects, organizing schemes and recipes than I could ever use.I have probably used more recipes than any other category (board). Tonight my family was upset when I told them that I thought I had mis-pinned (lost) the recipe for tonight's dinner , because they really, really want me to fix it again. Nothing is ever truly lost in cyberspace so I found it and repinned it onto two boards (better to be sure). Come and follow my boards if you dare.

Today through Pinterest I found a new love, on a blog. Did you know foodies have pen pals? Isn't that wonderful? I have applied. They will match me with someone from another part of the US. We will send a box of food to each other that represents our region of the country. This can be homemade or store-bought. We cannot spend more than $15 plus shipping. Many of these people have blogs where they share what they receive with blog followers. See I did it all for you!
Seriously I can hardly wait to be matched with someone. Maybe some of my local followers would like to send me suggestions in the comments section for items from our area that I could send to represent our NC Piedmont.

If  you are interested in participating I will post information here so you can join us.If you can't meet this month's deadline maybe you want to apply in time for next month. There are Canadian groups and a similar group in Great Britain. To avoid shipping problems it is confined within countries.There are some simple, easy rules to keep it civilized but nothing to hard to follow.


I am thinking of "fun food " that doesn't weigh too much, and can ship without breaking. something usual to us but maybe odd to another region.I will post here as soon as I have been matched and I know where the package will be sent.

The cyberworld is a vast and magnificent place and the journey is just beginning. I am thrilled to feed myself metaphorically and this time literally.

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